Interested In Becoming a Mentor?
Joining Smeal Student Mentors is a great way to make an impact by improving the freshman experience for first-year Smeal students. Prospective mentors should be dedicated students who are involved on campus and can offer their mentees a unique and helpful perspective. They should be willing to take the initiative to meet with mentees and offer firsthand advice on everything from scheduling to getting involved on campus to the best places to eat on and off campus.
Q: Who can be a Smeal Student Mentor?
A: Students can apply beginning in the spring semester of their freshman year.
Q: What is the application process like?
A: Interested students must complete and submit the application by the deadline (March 3rd at 5pm) and be interviewed by a current Board of Directors member and a current Team Leader.
Q: When do I apply?
A: The recruitment process for Smeal Student Mentors occurs during the spring semester. Applications are typically released in February and due in either late February or March.
Q: What is the time commitment associated with being a part of Smeal Student Mentors?
A: Though mentors keep in touch with their mentees for their entire freshman year, the fall semester is the busiest time for a mentor. Mentors plan several mentee socials, where they can get to know their mentees individually or as a group and answer any questions they may have.
There are also several mandatory events including the First-Year Welcome and the Annual BBQ on the Business Building Lawn. Additionally, mentors attend the Snack & Schedule, the Smeal Big Event, and visit first-year seminars to talk to students. The organization itself has monthly meetings for all members.
A: Students can apply beginning in the spring semester of their freshman year.
Q: What is the application process like?
A: Interested students must complete and submit the application by the deadline (March 3rd at 5pm) and be interviewed by a current Board of Directors member and a current Team Leader.
Q: When do I apply?
A: The recruitment process for Smeal Student Mentors occurs during the spring semester. Applications are typically released in February and due in either late February or March.
Q: What is the time commitment associated with being a part of Smeal Student Mentors?
A: Though mentors keep in touch with their mentees for their entire freshman year, the fall semester is the busiest time for a mentor. Mentors plan several mentee socials, where they can get to know their mentees individually or as a group and answer any questions they may have.
There are also several mandatory events including the First-Year Welcome and the Annual BBQ on the Business Building Lawn. Additionally, mentors attend the Snack & Schedule, the Smeal Big Event, and visit first-year seminars to talk to students. The organization itself has monthly meetings for all members.